R Retiger New Member Mar 19, 2011 #1 Hi, I don't know how to find the older data in a table that also fulfill another condition: a 11-mar b 15-abr a 20-feb b 18-nov a 05-oct How can I look for the older date where the first column is an a) or a b) ??? For example, look for the older b, result 18-nov
Hi, I don't know how to find the older data in a table that also fulfill another condition: a 11-mar b 15-abr a 20-feb b 18-nov a 05-oct How can I look for the older date where the first column is an a) or a b) ??? For example, look for the older b, result 18-nov
dan_l Active Member Mar 19, 2011 #2 You might have to go through my post history, but there's something similar to this in the back. Short version: 1. Sort by column A 2. Create a dynamic named range based on sorted column A, but inclusive to the rest of the data. 3. Have your vlookup deal with that dynamic named range.
You might have to go through my post history, but there's something similar to this in the back. Short version: 1. Sort by column A 2. Create a dynamic named range based on sorted column A, but inclusive to the rest of the data. 3. Have your vlookup deal with that dynamic named range.
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Mar 19, 2011 #3 Retiger Array enter the following =MIN(IF(A1:A5="b",B1:B5)) thats enter with Ctrl Shift Enter
R Retiger New Member Mar 19, 2011 #4 Astounding !! Tanks very much Hui, it's exactly what I've been looking for. I've been using array formulas with "sum", but I'm now realizing that there are some other clever uses...
Astounding !! Tanks very much Hui, it's exactly what I've been looking for. I've been using array formulas with "sum", but I'm now realizing that there are some other clever uses...
R Retiger New Member Mar 19, 2011 #5 Thanks Dan_I, but the point for me it's not mess the list... I share a table data with other people and I needed a formula that didn't depend of the order of the data.
Thanks Dan_I, but the point for me it's not mess the list... I share a table data with other people and I needed a formula that didn't depend of the order of the data.