Want to extract, date-wise, all working location (corresponding values) e.g. of Sam, who appears at 2 different rows, onto a separate sheet or may be same sheet but in blank columns e.g. K onwards. Tried to use Vlook but it stopped at Sam at row 3 and did not look for Sam at Row 8. Same with Mark and Mike who also appeared at 2 different places. Information so extracted will be used for creating pie-charts. Approx no. of people who will appear in column A will be about 150 in different batches. Their work location will appear in Columns C to G i.e. Monday to Friday. This information is in "Tables", collated from different workbooks.
Question: Can VLook be used in this situation where One name appears at 2 different rows and I want the corresponding values to be extracted? If yes, how, because I failed. If no, what is the best solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sample file at:
Want to extract, date-wise, all working location (corresponding values) e.g. of Sam, who appears at 2 different rows, onto a separate sheet or may be same sheet but in blank columns e.g. K onwards. Tried to use Vlook but it stopped at Sam at row 3 and did not look for Sam at Row 8. Same with Mark and Mike who also appeared at 2 different places. Information so extracted will be used for creating pie-charts. Approx no. of people who will appear in column A will be about 150 in different batches. Their work location will appear in Columns C to G i.e. Monday to Friday. This information is in "Tables", collated from different workbooks.
Question: Can VLook be used in this situation where One name appears at 2 different rows and I want the corresponding values to be extracted? If yes, how, because I failed. If no, what is the best solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sample file at: