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Visualising off the chart Growth


New Member
I have put together a chart with many economic drivers/ measure - interest rates, retail measures, xchange rates etc, along with my organisations revenue reults (probably 50 options in total) so we can see our different revenue results over past 10 years against correlating market measures.

Have indexed them all at a starting base of 1 back in 2002.

However there a distinct few that go right off the chart (i.e. the growth of Online markets),


How can I show growth, or change, in many different measures (some $'s, some %'s, some indexs) in a common way to get a visual idea of the relationship?

I'm imagining this is more of a data/ formula query, but may have some answer in the visual aspect.

P.S I have thought along the lines of change in CAGR (compound annual growth rate)and things like that??

Would welcome any suggestions guys.
You may want to consider logarithmic scales.

If you display several trend charts, e.g. small multiples on a dashboard, horizon charts may give you some interesting additional information. For more info on horizon charts, you can check this article: http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/time_on_the_horizon.pdf

Horizon charts can be constructed in Excel using Fabrice Rimlinger's Sparklines for Excel addin:
