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VBScript deprecation, maybe a VBA bad news …

It's not a surprise - we've known about it for a long time. The fact the VBA isn't supported in the browser version of Excel or mobile versions has been the biggest indicator that VBA was/is on its way out. An opportunity to learn something new, though, Marc, which I am sure you'll enjoy.
A long time ?! This is not about the end of VBA but the end of VBScript which is far more used than VBA !​
And for some particular needs - or for those just copying / pasting codes without understanding them really -​
VBScript object can be sometimes the only easy way to go under VBA …​
So no more Dictionary : not such a concern just using VBA Collection or​
maybe another dictionary from another Windows source than VBScript.​
So no more FileSystemObject : could be a pain, some old Windows functions exist but could be some gas factory codes under VBA​
and may disapear as well in future Windows version …​
So no more regular expressions engine : such a tragedy !​
So no more …​
The replacement of VBA in Excel web version is not a success as many stuffs are missing.​
The only joy I may have if Microsoft includes directly into standard Excel version some efficient language like Python for example,​
but done only with third party so not generic / standard …​
:cool: not yet, maybe in 2/3 years, could be a drama for IT, relatively less important under VBA even in some cases that may be a mess …​
It's only the VBScript.dll that will be going, which from a VBA perspective basically means RegEx. Since that is now being added to Excel as worksheet functions, it shouldn't be quite such an issue.