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VBA User Form: How to create Tabular multi row for data entry


Hello There,

I would like to create a UserForm master-detail. Master will have single row and detail block will have multiple horizontal rows (tabular rows - Like a table)

sample example worksheet file attached for your reference.

Could you please advice how this can be achieved?

Thank you for your help



  • UserForm Sample - Tabular form layout.xlsx
    11.3 KB · Views: 46
What is wrong with exactly what you have?
You can restrict access via protection and data validation
It can be controlled via VBA if required
You can add controls to accept it when complete and I assume transfer the data else where and refresh it

You can load data from a source into it if required
What is wrong with exactly what you have?
You can restrict access via protection and data validation
It can be controlled via VBA if required
You can add controls to accept it when complete and I assume transfer the data else where and refresh it

You can load data from a source into it if required

Hello Hui,

I want to achieve this design (attached in post 1) using Userform to have multi records.

Hi Don,

Please find attached file. Do let me know if this is fine


  • UserForm Sample - Tabular form layout.xlsm
    34.6 KB · Views: 150
Hi Simayan/inddon:

I want to do the same so I downloaded Simayan's sample but got the message "Could not load some objects because they are not available on this machine". I am using Excel 2013. Any ideas why I would get this message?
