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VBA Training


New Member
I'm wondering if a few people could give me their opinion of a VBA training program I am considering (since Chandoo does not currently offer one). I was on Amazon looking at VBA books and came across this training program, www.spreadsheetsuperstar.com. I watched the video and signed up for the newsletter and received a sample video about 3 tips on how to run VBA faster and the Week #1 course video (out of 12 weeks). I found some aspects of the information easier to understand than some of the intro to Excel VBA materials I've read on the Internet and he seems to have a different teaching approach. The program is kind of pricey ($300) after a discount being offered for a limited amount of time. My problem is that since I don't know VBA, I have no basis to assess whether the sample videos I've received are any good/effective or not. There are not reviews of the program, as it just launched this week. I have traded a few emails with the course creator.

I'm asking if any others that are familiar with VBA or have looked at other courseware would be willing sign-up for the site's newsletter (which can be unsubscribed from), receive the same materials I received, and give me their opinion on whether or not they think the materials would be effective and worth the money? Alternatively, I'd like to hear what others think is the best way to learn VBA? This VBA thing keeps coming up in jobs that I'm interested in applying for and I need to be able to check it off.

I know this my be received the wrong way. I am not a shill for this dude. I read Chandoo's site regularly and I purchased his first Excel School offering recently. I'm just trying to get some other opinions.
@DGP: I have signed up for his news letter so I can findout how valuable his product is. Give me a few days to get back to you with what I think about the videos.

Btw, many people have requested for a vba school, similar to excel school. Now I am seriously considering on doing a vba training program, but I am totally swamped with 2 important product launches in the next 3 weeks (excel school opens again and financial modeling course begins). But I will be starting a vba course after that... :)