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VBA to copy row based on background color in separate file



I have customer data base having date of birth in column H, I have applied below conditional formula to change background color in RED if date of birth match with today's date.
( only DD-MM ).

I want vba code to copy all such row based on background color or based on today's birth day to new file will save auto on desktop with file name "Birthday-dd-mm-yyyy".

attached sample file for your ref.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/66400357/Date of Birth.xlsx

I had a look at your file and the following rolled for me.

Option Explicit

Sub SaveTodaysBirth()
Dim fname As String
fname = Format(Now, "dd_mm_yy")
'Filter by Items in Red.
    Range("B1:B10").AutoFilter 1, vbRed, xlFilterCellColor
    If Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row > 1 Then
        Range("F1", Range("H65536").End(xlUp)).Copy
        [a1].PasteSpecial xlValues
        [a1].PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\HYMC\Desktop\Bdays " & fname & ".xls"
        ActiveWorkbook.Close False 'don't save see line above.
    End If
End Sub

You will need to change the path HYMC (Happy Young Married Couple) my wife's idea :)

The above makes the assumption that there will not be 65K people having a birthday on a single day. Anyways give it a crack.

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Thanks.... its working fine but i want entire row with header to copy in new wb.
also auto filter still active after copy in original file.

Pls guide
There is a line in the code which says copy F to H. Just think about it you don't want me to tell you how to change the code. You should be able to work that bit out.
