Can you skip rows that are hidden in a worksheet. I need WS Option1 to find all words Safeplay and copy contents to WS Safeplay.
Sub MoveOption_to_Safeplay()
Dim SheetName As String
SheetName = "Option1"
Dim i As Long
Dim MyCol As Integer
Dim MyRow As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
LR = Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MyCol = 2
MyRow = 17
For i = 7 To 900
If Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & i).Value = "Safeplay" Then
Do Until Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = "" Or MyRow > 40
MyRow = MyRow + 1
If MyRow <= 40 Then
Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = Sheets(SheetName).Range("A" & i).Value
MyRow = MyRow + 1
MsgBox "You have ran out of room. Some entries were not copied"
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
LR = Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MyCol = 4
MyRow = 17
For i = 7 To 900
If Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & i).Value = "Safeplay" Then
Do Until Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = "" Or MyRow > 40
MyRow = MyRow + 1
If MyRow <= 40 Then
Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = Sheets(SheetName).Range("C" & i).Value
MyRow = MyRow + 1
MsgBox "You have ran out of room. Some entries were not copied"
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
LR = Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MyCol = 6
MyRow = 17
For i = 7 To 900
If Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & i).Value = "Safeplay" Then
Do Until Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = "" Or MyRow > 40
MyRow = MyRow + 1
If MyRow <= 40 Then
Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = Sheets(SheetName).Range("E" & i).Value
MyRow = MyRow + 1
MsgBox "You have ran out of room. Some entries were not copied"
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
LR = Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MyCol = 8
MyRow = 17
For i = 7 To 900
If Sheets(SheetName).Range("D" & i).Value = "Safeplay" Then
Do Until Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = "" Or MyRow > 40
MyRow = MyRow + 1
If MyRow <= 40 Then
Sheets("Safeplay").Cells(MyRow, MyCol).Value = Sheets(SheetName).Range("F" & i).Value
MyRow = MyRow + 1
MsgBox "You have ran out of room. Some entries were not copied"
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub