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VBA Macro to Merge multiple files in a folder

Hi Experts.

I have several individual workbooks in one folder and all are contains one sheet only, range is different. I want to merge all workbooks(Huge data) in one master file.

For example: path folder contains 5 files and if sheet1 cells exceeds the limit in master file after merging “one file or Half file” it should continue merge remaining data in from sheet2 in master file.

Please help me on the same…Thank you in advance.
This has been asked a number of times

Please try the Search Box at the top right of this page
Hi Hui,

Thanks for responding...Yes i have already gone through all forum requests...or course there are similar queris are there but i didn't fnd as per my requirement..
Hi Experts.

I have several individual workbooks in one folder and all are contains one sheet only, range is different. I want to merge all workbooks(Huge data) in one master file.

For example: path folder contains 5 files and if sheet1 cells exceeds the limit in master file after merging “one file or Half file” it should continue merge remaining data in from sheet2 in master file.

Please help me on the same…Thank you in advance.
Oh bye Gd, yeah it can hurts real BadMan, I tried LongPath Tool Program to good effect
Any tool is useless as the issue here is just the missing informations, as guessing can't be coding …​
Like stated in this forum rules :​