So this is a tutorial in how to use this worksheet to create an executable list of all your karaoke files.
This worksheet was made from a simple idea I had and was put together with the knowledge of
The basics
1- First of all, if you are new to 'home karaoke' it's highly recommended to download and install a karaoke player.
KaraFun Player is my recommendation. It's free and will do the job perfectly. Supports all the needed formats like cdg+mp3, wmv, kar, midi and more, and supports zipped files.
It also can play the karaoke directly in secondary screens connected to the computer without the need of any configuration.
2- Then you need the songs, of course! You can buy them in cd or dvd format, but since these are destined to become obsolete, the best purchases should be in digital format. The most popular digital format is cdg+mp3, which are a couple of files of the same song, one containing the on-screen lyrics and the other the audio. Both files must have exactly the same name.
When you have your songs, I recommend to name the files properly in this format: "Artist Name - Song Name.xxx". I also recommend zipping the cdg+mp3 songs into one single zip file so it's more practical and saves you a bit of disc space.
3- Then you should create a list of the files inside your karaoke folder or folders, in Excel format. The other option is to introduce each one name by name in this sheet, which is ok if you have a couple of dozen karaoke songs, but it would be a nightmare it you had thousands of karaoke songs like a karaoke freak like me does!
So a free software like the free version of
Song List Generator does this for you, with the limit of 1.000 songs. If you have more than that just make folders of 1.000 songs tops and keep on getting the list and pasting it into the Excel sheet.
How to use the Excel sheet created in this thread
This worksheet opens every karaoke song file listed with your favorite karaoke player software! No need to have the file types of your karaoke songs associated in Windows with your player since this sheet has code to make "open with".
You need to enable macros in order to play the songs directly from your sheet.
1- First introduce the basic locations. In cell F1 introduce the folder where your karaoke folders are stored. In my case, they are stored at my desktop, so I introduced:
which is the path to my desktop.
In cell F2 introduced where the exe file of your karaoke player is at. I use KaraFun Player and it's stored at this location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\KaraFun Player\KaraFunPlayer.exe
2- Then introduce the names of the songs just like in your files. You should start introducing in cell A4 if the list is empty, if not start introducing them after the last one on your list in column A.
If you are using Song List Generator to create your list, simple copy the artist and song columns in Song List Generator and past them into A4 or the next space available in column A.
You should list only one file type at a time. If your folder contains let's say cdg+mp3 files, zip files and wmv files it's better to do one file type at the time because of what comes next in 4-.
Be careful with the names if you introduce them by hand! After the artist name you must add a space and before the song name you must put a space, so it comes out exactly like the file name is written!
3- Now you should introduce in column C the subfolder where your karaokes are stored. In my case they are stored in a folder called "Karaokes" on the desktop. If there is another subfolder, let's say there is a folder called "Romantic" with your karaokes inside the "Karaokes" folder, then insert in the specific line in C Column:
4- Now to the song names with extension in column D. There is a formula in column D with the file extension added manually. This is why previously I asked you to do one file type at a time since you must copy this formula, changing the file extension if needed. As an example, if your file type is cdg and mp3, just change .zip to .cdg in the formula and paste it down until needed. If it is wmv just change .zip to .wmv and so on.
4- After your song names are all properly inserted, you should order them alphabetically. Select every line from line 4 inclusive and down and go to Data--> Sort and choose sort by Column A in "Sort by".
And that's it! Your list is made and now you only have to double click on the song name in column D to start playing your karaoke song! Have fun!
Note: every time you are done using the sheet, as you close it you'll be asked if you wanna save the changes. This occurs because the aleatory number generator in Kamikaze Karaoke changes every time, so if you didn't make any change in the sheet that you wanna keep, just choose "No".
The Kamikaze Karaoke button
So this a button that plays a song randomly from your list! This is a golden generator of youtube videos!

A guy (or more) on a stage holding a mic waiting to sing a song... that he probably never heard in their entire life and he must do the best job he can! So it's funny as hell to see the singers make a fool out of themselves!
1- Let's start with a 'language issue'! In cell F3 you must have the formula RANDBETWEEN in the language of your Excel. So if your excel is in english, what is written in F3 should be =RANDBETWEEN(x,y); if your Excel is in portuguese like mine it should be =ALEATÓRIOENTRE(x,y). And then press <enter> so the content is changed.
2- In that same F3 cell, you must type the first line of your songs and the last one. So lets say that you have songs from line 4 to line 100, F3 should contain exactly this:
In the current sheet as there are only two song, they start at line 4 and end at line 5, so the current formula is this:
3- The Kamikaze Karaoke code is set to create a temporary file in drive D so it can run. If you don't have a drive D, for Kamikaze Karaoke to work you must change the location of the file to an existent folder in the code.
I had an issue with this because for some reason my computer wasn't creating the file in drive C so I set it to drive D. If you don't have a drive D, create a folder in the root of C, name it something like "Temp" and set the location of the file in the code to c:\Temp
Don't store it in C drive root because for me it wasn't working either, I have no idea why. Probably something to do with Windows 8.1. So make a folder first and use it.
The file is attached to this post. Enjoy!