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VBA Holiday & Sickness Tracker


Hi all,

After much searching, I have found a VBA holiday and sickness tracker - it will be great to use.

However, everytime I try to enter anything onto the tracker it comes up with the following error:


Any idea how to get round this?

Also, any ideas to make it better would be very appreciated.



  • holiday_and_sickness_tracker_template 10.xlsm
    103.6 KB · Views: 31
You don't need to set the date format in Comboxbox1 as it is already a date
Change the code to:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
'With ComboBox1
' .Value = Format(.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
'End With

If Me.ComboBox1.Value <> "" Then
  ComboBox2.Enabled = True
End If
ComboBox2.Value = ComboBox1.Value
End Sub

That's great - it works.

However, the last problem I have is that when I try to add a holiday date on it's not updating on the spreadsheet itself for 2015, but is stuck at 2011.

Any ideas?

By snazz, I mean anything that you think would be cool to add into it? Perhaps, something to make the layout better or more user friendly?

The tracker seems to not take into account weekends, are you able to see how to change the code so it takes into account only Tuesdays - Saturdays, as that is when the shifts run from?


This is very neat and simple holiday tracker, please can any one help me to change the code and design on this to track employee leave in hrs and days.

For example:
1. When Submitting employee absence, the fields should take in hours and days with following fields such as Holiday, Sick Leave, WFHOME
2. When tracking Employee leave it should display Holiday entitlements in hrs, carry forward to next year in hrs, holiday balance in hrs and days, taken to date hrs and days, days remaining, sickness and work from home days and hrs.

I have my own work book which does these but this work book from sealion is very user friendly and l like it.
