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VBA Display Value on Click (Interactivity)


New Member

I have been following along with Chandoo's articles on interactive dashboards. I have used his VBA code from the article "Show Details On-demand in Excel" successfully to identify if a row within a range has been clicked, and if it has to show a value.

I am working on a dashboard right now and I would like to add the ability to determine if a row within a completley different range has also been clicked. In essence, I want to display item A if range X has been clicked and at the same time display item B if range Y has been clicked.

Here is the link to my document: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x722ff7s7461q4t/ur_test.xlsm

As you can see, I have it so where if you click on any of the "Criteria" then the graphs will change. I would like to make it so where if you clicked on any of the schools then you will get a breakdown of the scores across all the criteria.

Thanks for any help!
I should note that I have also unsuccessfully tried adapting the following VBA code (taken from the article "Interactive Sales Chart using MS Excel")

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, [plstYears]) Is Nothing Then

[valYearPicked] = ActiveCell.Value

ElseIf Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, [plstRegions]) Is Nothing Then

[valRegionPicked] = ActiveCell.Value

ElseIf Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, [plstProducts]) Is Nothing Then

[valProductPicked] = ActiveCell.Value

End If

End Sub