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VBA Code to hightlight the current position - modification


Dear All,

I have an below code to highlight the current position of the cell for better visualization. But when i run this code, it will erase all the current formating. So i want to put two buttons (start and stop)to run the code, If i click start, it need to be highlighted the current cell position, if i click stop it has to be stopped and return back to my current formatting. Kindly modify the code as per my requirement.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim RngRow As Range

Dim RngCol As Range

Dim RngFinal As Range

Dim Row As Long

Dim Col As Long

Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Row = Target.Row

Col = Target.Column

Set RngRow = Range("A" & Row, Target)

Set RngCol = Range(Cells(1, Col), Target)

Set RngFinal = Union(RngRow, RngCol)

RngFinal.Interior.ColorIndex = 36

End Sub

Thanks in advance

All of this would go on the worksheet module. Then have your two buttons assigned to the TurnOn and TurnOff macros.

Option Explicit

Dim xOff As Boolean

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim RngRow As Range
Dim RngCol As Range
Dim RngFinal As Range
Dim Row As Long
Dim Col As Long

If xOff Then Exit Sub
Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Row = Target.Row
Col = Target.Column

Set RngRow = Range("A" & Row, Target)
Set RngCol = Range(Cells(1, Col), Target)
Set RngFinal = Union(RngRow, RngCol)

RngFinal.Interior.ColorIndex = 36

End Sub

Sub TurnOn()
'Enable highlights
xOff = False
End Sub

Sub TurnOff()
'disable highlights
xOff = True
End Sub
@Luke.. Thanks Luke, for show me path...:)

Hi Vijay,

Why dont you save the formats before start (at 1st button click) and again rollback the format in old style after complete(at 2nd button click)

can you please change a little bit in Luke's Coding..


Dim xOff As Boolean

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim RngRow As Range

Dim RngCol As Range

Dim RngFinal As Range

Dim Row As Long

Dim Col As Long

If xOff Then Exit Sub

Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Row = Target.Row

Col = Target.Column

Set RngRow = Range("A" & Row, Target)

Set RngCol = Range(Cells(1, Col), Target)

Set RngFinal = Union(RngRow, RngCol)

RngFinal.Interior.ColorIndex = 36

End Sub

Sub TurnOn()

'Enable highlights

xOff = False

Sheets("sheet1").Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count)

ActiveSheet.Name = "SavedFormat"

Sheets("SavedFormat").Visible = xlSheetHidden


End Sub

Sub TurnOff()

'disable highlights

xOff = True

Sheets("SavedFormat").Visible = xlSheetVisible


Sheets("sheet1").Range("a1").PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats

Application.DisplayAlerts = False


Application.DisplayAlerts = True


End Sub
Why not use conditional formatting to highlight the selected row / column. It preserves the formatting too. Follow these steps.

1. set up 2 cells (in a separate sheet) to keep track of selected row & column.

2. name these cells as selRow and selCol

3. In the sheet where you need highlighting, use worksheet_selectionchange and write below code

selRow = target.row

selCol = target.column

4. Now, select the entire sheet (or just the area that needs highlighting) and apply conditional formatting with rules like below:

5. row(cell) = selRow

6. set up highlight color

7. column(cell) = selCol

8. set up highlight color

9. done.
Dear Chandoo and others,

Sorry for the delay. Chandoo sir i have tried your way, but i face one problem while applying conditional formating. In my workbook i have created a new sheet and, Cell A1 i named it selRow & cell B1 i named it selCol. Now the sheet which i want to highlight the current cell position, i put code

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

selRow = Target.Row

selCol = Target.Column

End Sub

and that sheet i selected entire sheet & in conditional formatting -> use formula to highlight the cell-> =A1=selRow -> format color, again use formula -> =B1=selCol -> format color and done.

But i can't work.... is there any mistake in procedure


Hi Vijay,

Please try the below.

in VBA editor, select This Workbook Module, and then Workbook Module, SheetSelectionChange events write the below code.


Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


come back to workbook. Select entire Sheet,

* Apply Conditional Formatting > Formula as


choose desired format for the cell, It will preserve your previous formatting, and done the same what VBA code is doing.

* where VBA code is change color for entire selection, this color coding is only for the top-left selection, or cells(0,0) :)

Please also confirm if the above modified VBA is working or not. :)

First thanks to @Luke & then to @chandoo, for the same reason, show me path..:)
@Blogger: Please help how to write post in proper format, <b> only bold is enough <b> and in programming format. I tried many times referring below information,

Allowed markup: a blockquote code em strong ul ol li.

You can also put code in between backtick ( ` ) characters.

but always fails :( and realize after post.. :(

Have a read of http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/11/04/fancy-posts-using-html-display-codes/
@ HUI..

you are great.. not only Excel/VBA/Formula but also for quickly search similar thread..:)

I got it..

I can remember most posts here at Chandoo.org,

Especially the ones I wrote like that one.