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VBA code to cut and paste rows from one sheet to anothersheet based on condition

Your #22 Reply -- ? - it would be A+B / B + C Shift
My #23 Reply -- No answer? - this rule has been removed, pl ignore my previous rule, it is confusing me too thats why removed the rule.

There won't use P-word! maybe challenge! - i am not able to understand this, sorry
There are still HOLES! - i think you may be the best judge, you can fill the gaps if any, pl.
eg if something would be <6 or >6 then there are HOLE! - if more than > 5hrs worked it would be either A/B/C based on the inpunch time.
if 6 occurs then there are NO RULE! - same above answer, pl

Xl sheet questions that you asked:
case 5hrs is still missing - if 5 hrs it would be 'No shift'
case 10hrs is still missing - if 10 hrs it would be ' A/B/C Shift'

Regarding, In punches - 07.31, 08.59 and Late punches - 09.01, 12.50 etc.,- pl take it forward that there is no hard or fast rule to follow the exact timing, you may decide pls which ever is convenient to follow the shift.
If You cannot answer questions ... it's challenge
(or it's problem as You call it - I won't do so!)
Here something -
do not ask questions, if You won't answer to questions Yourself.


  • dpt_25.3.2018.xlxm.xls
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