Hi Suri,
You can do this without VBA and using some tricks..
* Select the column with "NoWebsite"
* Apply Filter on "NoWebsite". (select the cell with word as "NoWebsite" , Right Click and select
Filter > Filter by selected Cell's Value)
* Select Whole Column and Insert a New Column. (Ctrl + '+')
* Select all the blank cell correspondent to "NoWebsite". (Alt +
, Write "X" and (Ctrl + Enter)
* Now Remove all Filter. (Ctrl + Shift + L)
* Select the top "X" to the Bottom "X" and Move One Cell Below the current position. i.e If top cell is A5, then Move whole Set of "X" to A6.
* Now Re-apply Filter in "X". (select the cell with word as "X" , Right Click and select Filter > Filter by selected Cell's Value)
* Select all the blank cell correspondent to "X". (Alt +
* Insert New ROW.
* Delete the Extra added Column ("X").
* Remove all Filter (Alt D F F)
It only look like a long Task, but believe me, its much easier than the reading this post.
I am sharing this trick only because, we tried to solve your problem using VBA, but we are not getting any proper response, as I think you are not satisfied or not able to handle the case.
Please let us know, if have choose any of the option from above or share if you have any difficulties to apply VBA.