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vba code for vlookup


Hi friends,

Attached here is the excel file, wherein i have used macro code in module.
In cell D2, i have the text written and have the code in place. the code works.

In cell B2, i am trying to make amount and specific text in bold. (pls see D2 for reference), but it doesn't work. kindly guide me.



  • test file.xlsx
    11.4 KB · Views: 8
Sub Bold()
Range("D2").Characters(49, 7).Font.Bold = True
Range("D2").Characters(WorksheetFunction.Find("Fixed", Range("D2").Value, 1), Len("Fixed")).Font.Bold = True
End Sub

The formula i used to change specific text in cell D2 to bold.

I am trying the same with B2, but the formula doesn't work. Kindly advise.
You can not change the font partly if the cell contains formula or numeric value.

Those need to be converted constant string value, if you want to change the font partly.
Something like
    With Range("D2")
        .Value = .Value  '<-- convert to constant
        .Characters(49, 7).Font.Bold = True
        .Characters(WorksheetFunction.Find("Fixed", .Value, 1), Len("Fixed")).Font.Bold = True
    End With
but i have a problem, the cell having vlookup is a variable. It keep changing as and when any new employee joins.
Therefore, I don't want to keep it as constant. In such a case, is there any other option so that it reads vlookup.
Hi friends,
Just a quick question, is it really not possible to apply bold to a specific text in a cell i.e. say B2 for example, holding vlookup formula ??
Hi !

As previously yet written several times, no !
Within a formula it's all cell content or nothing …