I have a “.csv” file. Now we would like to copy data from this file into another Excel file. Doing this with my simple macro, I encounter a problem in some columns as I have numbers which are stored there in the format: “0000” and “01234567890”. Pasting the data makes then a “0” or “E09” out of the former source.
If I did that manually, I would do the following:
1.Copy from .csv file
2.Paste > “use text import wizard” > changing the respective fields (LFNR_... and EXTERNAL_ID) from “general” to “text”.
3.Would be happy – everything looks fine
This is current macro:
Do you know a trick how to paste csv-data into an excel spreadsheet keeping the data okay?
If I did that manually, I would do the following:
1.Copy from .csv file
2.Paste > “use text import wizard” > changing the respective fields (LFNR_... and EXTERNAL_ID) from “general” to “text”.
3.Would be happy – everything looks fine
This is current macro:
ImportFileboxData Macro
Dim dateiname As String
dateiname = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MAS").Range("E7").Value
ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MAS").Range("E8").Value
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
ActiveWorkbook.Close (True)
Do you know a trick how to paste csv-data into an excel spreadsheet keeping the data okay?