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Variable X-Axis Auto-Populated from a Data Table


New Member
Hi all; I could use some Excel Ninja help here. I have scoured the blog, digested dynamic ranges with offset formulas and tables, and pretty much bled my eyes out in excel for about two days and this website looking for a solution and haven't found it (I'm so close!).

Goal: Create a Graph with two drop downs that displays a variable amount of year over year data along the X-Axis:

1) Select an item

2) Select a time period

Progress: I've created the dropdowns, graph, and linked data tables and they work.

Problem: Despite using the offset function to create a dynamic named range and linking the source data in the table when I select a shorter time period, the x-axis won't update. I believe it has something to do with the formulas in the table; even though the clear cells of data when not in use, I think the dynamic range still detects that there is something going on and doesn't update. How can I fix this so the linked data table can update and the X-Axis on the graph will adjust size based on the amount of time being displayed?

Working File Download Link


Contains Three Items with three data fields each since 2011. The data has been made anonymous. There are two defined time periods; Full Year and Last 13 weeks. The graph needs to display year over year data for the selected time period.
Hi ,

Check out your file here :


I have made a change in formula for the named range POS_LY_Data ; I have also added a named range X_axis.

Narayan, thanks. That was such a simple fix, but I didn't even think of it. Still learning about the more advanced functions. Really appreciate your help and the fast response. Hopefully I can return the favor in kind to someone else on the forum.

For anybody else who looks at this post, the change that was made was to correct the range the graph was looking at was:


=OFFSET('ItemTimePeriod Analysis'!$S$33,0,0,COUNTA('ItemTimePeriod Analysis'!$S$33:$S$85),1)


=OFFSET('ItemTimePeriod Analysis'!$R$33,0,0,SUM(IF('ItemTimePeriod Analysis'!$R$33:$R$85<>"",1,0)),1)