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Using two matching criteria in a vlookup


New Member

I have a salary spreadsheet with employee no, Cost Centres, name and various salary costs, and total salary. I am using a pivot table to sum up all the cost centre costs in another spreadsheet. I then create spreadsheet for each cost centre, showing employee no, cost centre, name, and salary for each month. Currently I am using vlookup and one match criteria to find employee number and match month to find that particular month's salary. Recently, employees started moving cost centres and I have to match cost centres as well. How would I add another match criteria in my formula.

My current formula looks like this. VLOOKUP($A5,'Payroll Pivot'!$C:$O,MATCH('1686'!F$3,'Payroll Pivot'!$C$4:$O$4,0),FALSE)

In the formula, A5 is the employee number, and f3 is the month. In column B5 I have got Cost Center (CC) which I need to match with payroll pivot column A.

How can I upload a spreadsheet with my example in this post.

Thanks in advance.

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