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Using IF statement with CONCATENATE and resulting in an error


New Member

I am fairly new to the forums and fairly junior when it comes to using formula's. I have looked through previous postings and don't see anything similar - I do apologize in advance if this question is a repeat.

I am creating a tracking sheet of attendees for education courses and need to create a unique identifier - only if the person attended.

Here is the formula I tried


I keep getting an error and cannot figure out where I have gone wrong.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Hi, dspink!

Don't worry about being fairly new, just the intention matters.

I'm looking at your formula and it seems to be OK. What type or kind of error or what message error do you get? Consider uploading a sample file if necessary (give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines).

Hi Guys,

Haseeb - thank you so much - That was exactly the issue.

I appreciate all the assistance!

have a great day