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Using Excel 2007 Tables in Advanced Filter


New Member
Yet another question for the gang.

I'm using Chandoo's excellent Split an Excel File into Many Tutorial - http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/10/19/split-excel-file-into-many/ - to divide a large report by division.

I ran into a small problem which may be an Excel 2007 quirk:

I have my data organized in a table named "Data" with the headers in Row 1. But when I set Data as my List Range, it wants to start in Row 2, which gave me all sorts of missing or illegal field names errors.

Is there a way to set an Excel table so that it includes the header row, and thus becomes a valid List Range?

My easy solution was to set up a Range that covers Row 1 and then have that be the List Range. But this report changes size every week (from 800-1000 rows) and I don't want my staffer to have to reset the range. Poor woman already has me for a boss so we want to make her life easier.

Thank you.

Is it possible for you to upload you file for us to look at.

Put it on Google Docs or SkyDrive...


When you go to create the ListRange and are defining the range, there should be a checkbox to indicate that your table has headers.