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Using C.Offset (Quick Simple Question)

Got a little stuck..

Function addStuffOnString(ByVal C As Range) returns the right value back (just in the wrong column).

Not sure if it's the function doing this or the Sub once it returns back.

As line 11 beneath indicates, I want the values to populate Column B (with Col A originally intact).

For some reason, the newly returned data keeps overwriting the original values in Column A (leaving nothing in Col B).

They won't offset over there in Col B for some reason?

Sub mySubName()

Dim c As Range

Dim myRange As Range

Range("A1") = "OrigVal1"

Range("A2") = "OrigVal2"

Range("A3") = "OrigVal3"

Set myRange = Range("A1:A3")

For Each c In myRange.Cells

c.Offset(0, 1).Value = addStuffOnString(c)

Next c

End Sub

Function addStuffOnString(ByVal c As Range)

c.Value = c.Value + " ..Appended To String (this should be in Col B)"

End Function
I just realized I'm doing something wrong in the function...

But it appears I still have a prob somewhere up top still.

Function addStuffOnString(ByVal c As Range)

c.Offset(0, 1) = c.Value + " ..Appended To String In Col B"

End Function
Shouldnt your function be:

Function addStuffOnString(ByVal c As Range)

addStuffOnString = c.Value + " ..Appended To String In Col B"

End Function