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Using Access 2013 For Data Entry and validation of an Excel 2013 Tables


For unique reasons, it was decided that several related tables was created using Excel. For ease of use and to insure data integrity; the use of Access 2013 was "toyed" with.

I was not aware of the "legal" limitation that ms imposed on linked tables from Excel. It is read only.


Either I kill the idea or I come to you for help.

Can VBA overcome this limitation???

Can I EDIT some related excel tables LINKED to Access using the much more sophisticated FORMS in Access. And depends on the strong validation rules in Access ????

You haven't actually told us what the problem is here?

In Excel 2013 you can link Tables within Excel with a much more DB like approach, using the Data, Relationships tab
The problem:

To avoid duplication of Data, I used linked excel table feature. So, the data is INSIDE excel , and I access it using Access.

Now, if I want to EDIT the content of table( modify, add , and delete), Access does not allow it, because it is FORCING read only on the content.

The reasons for using Access as Front End is explained in the original post.
Good day arishy

The reason it is read only is because the Access table is linked to the Excel workbook and will only take data changes from within Excel.