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Userform asks for Input output range, how to add it by VBA.


Excel Ninja

I have a add in, this add in has a Userform.

In the Userform I have to enter Input range & output range.

I want run this add in by VBA, at present I able to “SHOW” the Userform by VBA (got the code from this forum only).

My problem is, I want to fill the input box & out box range by VBA only.

For example my input range is A2:B10 and output range is c2.

How can I add these ranges in code by VBA so that on every Userform pop up it will take the ranges from the code only.

You need to use some code in the Userform_Initialize sub-routine which will read and populate the appropriate userform elements

Can you post your file with notes for us to see

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Hui Sir, thanks a lot for the help.

My error, I should have posted this earlier, we hae decided not to change the original coding.

The original coding is too difficult for me change. We will populate the range manually.

Only thing is I am highlighting the ranges which is supposed to be selected.

have a nice day, once again sorry sir.