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use formula result in another formula Or other Proposals


Hi Gents,

how i can use formula's result in anoter formula with out VBA and micro...if this cannot be ...so there is any other formula let me take the result as test Although the result will be usullay as Number.

Thanks In advance
Hi admin,

Welcome to the forum but please read the rules on posting here you can find these on the forum home page - GREEN STICKY'S.

The answer to your question is yes, but you need to provide an example so we know your requirements

It may be urgent to you but it is not urgent to the volunteers who answer forum questions. Forum members lead their own life and they are not here 24 hours a day waiting to answer “urgent” posts, I suggest that you take some time to read the green stickys…urgently. Your post title has been edited.
Without any examples, I will assume you want to use a value that has been formulated in another cell.

If cell A1 contains a formula / value, then you can link that value into another formula simply by entering A1 in place of a typed value.

Alternatively you can define the formula as a Name, then use the name in any other formula.

Both methods will use the same value that is created from the results of another formula.

If you had taken the time to follow my suggestions about the green stickys you would not need to ask about uploading, as you seem to be unable to find the stickys here is a link

thank you Absolution, i will try and come back to you.... also thx bobhc i will try to upload it once i Finished my work as they are blocked all these webs...☺
hi gents again i already uploaded the sheet .... really thx for all who try to help..

Hi, admin!

Nice worksheet, very colorful, ... but do mind telling us what do you want to do?

If it's just what you typed at the green cell, it's the same you've doing in the whole worksheet.

=SI($G$4="";"";BUSCARV(B15;sad;3;FALSO)) Spanish version.

thx Sir JB7,,,, but i want take the cost center which is Column C in COST-C Sheet to B15 in Sheet CRPO although B15 is formula result... i hope every one knows what i want..thx all
Hi, admin!

Just place the formula of my previous post in your light green / yellow shaded cell of B16.

Hi SirJB007!

I think.. someone forget to told admin, that FORMULA never checks whats is the FORMULA in the REFERENCE.. Formula just always checks the VALUE return from the REFERENCE..

So, it doesn't matter, reference is a FORMULA or VALUE..

@ Admin,

in B16.. just use your patent formula as

I think, I dont have say.. the SAD thing.. :) as you have already used the BADD things..

It doesn't matter B15 is a FORMULA or VALUE.. it will always pick the VALUE only from the reference CELL..



@Debraj Roy


Maybe that someone is me. But as the whole worksheet was full of formulas, the same formula, ... I must admit that I was disorientated, if not I'd have placed the English version formula too as usual.


hI dEBRAJ ROY .. thanks alot my frind .....its work fine ... really thx.. but i have another prb.. you know this is linked to data base (Sharepoint) then when i export it to excel to let me work with this form ... once i type requstion NO. in G4 in CRPO sheet after refresh the date... it give me N/A and i should doing fixed width for colum A in owssvr (1) sheet .... do you have any idea to make it Automatically thru Excel

thanks thanks thanks
Just a blind shot..

"owssvr (1)" has a table.. named "Table_owssvr__1"

In Table_owssvr__1, all Columns are fixed.. and when you are using table.. then its a BADD idea to use a RanmeName as BADD which is complete sheet..

In every Vlookup.. where you have used
just change all BADD to "Table_owssvr__1"..

what.. its a long task.. then do one thing..

* Select all cells in CRPO.. (Ctrl + A)

* Find : "BADD"

* Replace : "Table_owssvr__1"

* Option > Look in > Formula..

and Replace All..

Now Refresh sheet "owssvr (1)"'s DataBase Link..

Let us know if its working.. Now you can delete NameRange "BADD"



PS: You can denote ColumnName (i.e [Stage] instead of Column Number (i.e 2).. thats also a versatility of using TABLE..

but unfortunately it doesn't work,,, i changed as you said like this


but still i need to to fixed width for the 1st column...really appreciated your help
Hi admin,

Sorry.. I am unable understand..

width of a cell never effect in Formula Result.. Its only cause Display or #####

So where is the problem..

Are you facing any problem, if you not fixed the width of Column 1 in sheet "owssvr (1)"

or the error comes as "#N/A"

Please elaborate..


yes if im not fixed the width of column 1 in sheet "owssvr (1)" ii gives me #N/A

i thinks becuse our date (Sharepoint) but if there is any way to avoid this error from excel sheet not from DATA base. instoed of doing fixed the width every and then after refreshing the data ...
Hi Admin..

Check the attached..

I think.. Your data coming from Sharepoint as TEXT.. and your Fixing Width is may be our ConvrtToNumber..

Check the attached.. Refresh and confirm..if its working..



woooooooooooow ....Yes its work...really you are Awesome person...ican't thank you enough...

Thansk Dear Deb ....
Dear Deb ,

as you know my worksheet,i have two more Q.

in ETA which is B8 in CRPO Sheet ... i want take the Max of Initial ETA & Revised ETA that located on column 18-19 on owssvr (1) Sheet.. but unfortunately it doesn't work if there is empty cell for one of them ..

2nd in B/Salary:  which is B19 in CRPO Sheet ... is there any formula I can use to let me change the Currency depending on the Nationality ; if its Western i will put $ for e.m....

i know i give you more Questions but you are very good helper here and i really appreciated your help and effort

