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Use Checkbox / Combo Box to turn on and off values in a pivot chart


New Member
I have a pivot chart with multiple items that I want to be able to display one at a time. Making this update in the pivot table field list area is easy, but since this is for a dashboard I would like to do it within the sheet. See the image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5prp4ot56c42g0d/pivot_sample.png I want either a drop down or check boxes to enable / disable ad clicks, ad cost, click thru rate, conversion rate, etc.
PivotCharts do not have all the flexibility like regular charts. If you want to add dynamic capability with controls, you'll need to generate a regular graph. =/
One way: Make a copy of the pivot, put it on the dashboard. In the copy, get rid of data fields (i.e. spend, clicks, etc). This will leave just some dropdowns. Hide any rows,columns you don't need, and then use a slicer to sync these pivot dropdowns with the pivot that drives the pivot chart.

ALso check out my code at http://blog.contextures.com/archives/2013/06/18/update-multiple-pivot-tables-20130618/ which may be a help.
Jefferyweir, I do not want to filter the values of each item, i want to turn them on or off as if checking the box within the field list. It would just be for a single table in regards to the values, the filter for another field is applied to multiple tables (currently using slicers)
Doesn't filtering them have exactly the same effect as 'turn them on or off'?

My solution effectively puts the relevent dropdowns right on your dashboard page, and changing those dropdowns changes the pivot that feeds the chart. You can do the same thing with Slicers.

If I understand your scenario correctly, then what I am suggesting should work, and maybe you have possibly misunderstood my suggestion. If this is the case, then if you could upload a sample workbook, I could demo this.

Otherwise, I have misunderstood the problem.
Using Slices would allow to filter the results of each field, instead I want an on off for each field. Here is a sample file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjb6peudn8uonp7/Reporting%20Sample.xlsx

On the performance Tab, I want to be able to toggle on Conversion rate, Click Thru Rate, Impressions, Transactions, Clicks, or spend. I know i could do this by creating each table separately and than use images to swap through them, but in doing so it eliminates the ability to mouseover the columns to see the values.
I want to swap out what appears in the PPC performance pivot, with the options of one of the metrics that is currently enabled on the ppc performance pivot in the sample.