I just want to ask a question regarding slicers. How do you update them? I have added another name to my table but when I see the slicer it is blank. What do I need to do to fix this? Thank you, Joseph from Michigan.
Hi Narayan, Yes I did. If you have the time please look at the file. It is under the batting dash tab. The blank is the last item. It is connected to the batting stats tab. The name should be Austin Jackson. I might want to ask you another question on this project. Thanks.
Hi Naray, Thanks for looking at it again. It is on the batting stats tab. Also,
can I put a diagram of a baseball field and show each position where the players played?
The slicer which is named PLAYER , is connected to the following pivot tables :
Both of the above are in the tab named Batting Dash.
Both of these pivot tables are having a common data source called Table5 , which is in the tab named Opponent Batting Stats ; this table does not have the name Austin Jackson.
I have earlier mentioned that you have too many player tables in your workbook ; ideally , there should be exactly one database of players.