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Update form - Several questions


New Member
Hello All,

I have this project I'm working on and part of it includes creating an update form to make data entry easier. I have been searching the net and this forum to see if I could find an answer to my issues but could not find one. I am not new to Excel but have never used it to its full potential. Very new to VBA and still trying to learn.

In this link there's a sample of the file


The original file has over 150+ rows (cities) and over 150+ columns of data corresponding to those cities but I figured if I got it on this smaller model then the rest would be just to update the larger file.

Here are my questions:

1. How can I make the list-box under "Select City" in the update form sheet be dynamically populated by the cities on [Column B] in the Test Matrix sheet?

As I have it right now I populate it from a list on the "Test Dropdowns" sheet, but that would not be useful when/if new cities are added to the table.

2. How can I make the list-box under "Select Category" in the update form sheet be dynamically populated by the headings (categories) on [row 2] in the Test Matrix sheet?

Similar to the city list I have it right now populating from a list on the "Test Dropdowns" sheet, but that would also not be so useful when/if new categories are added to the table.

3. Any simple code that would populate the matrix with the data entered by the user to their corresponding boxes after hitting the "Update Matrix" button?

I've searched for VBA code for this and have found some [really] complicated things I'm trying to decipher, but thought to ask you guys anyway.

4. Finally, and I'm just throwing things out there, would it be possible that instead of me having a block table with all the possible data a user can add being displayed, that only those data items corresponding to the "Category" the user selected appear?

This is because with the sample file, there are only 17 data items to be entered and it doesn't matter to have them all on display, but with 150+ items it would [almost] be the same to enter the data directly on the matrix.

Many thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer on any or all of the points.

I am and have been working on this for a while and will continue to until I solve this. Will let you know once I have it :)


Hi ,

Can you check out this file ?


I have replaced the listboxes by data validation dropdowns ; is this OK ?

There are dropdowns for City , Category , Country and Region.

Thanks for the reply Narayan!

I'm now trying to decipher your formula but it works fine.

If I have any questions with it will let you know.

Thanks so much for the help.
Hi ,

I have addressed only points 1 and 2 , I think.

Points 3 and 4 are pending ; once you confirm that points 1 and 2 have been satisfactorily taken care of , we can move on to the remaining points.
