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Unable to figure out issue in macro

Sub Manish()

'Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+m



End Sub

Hi this is very simple macro I have written. Filter is getting displayed in 6th row instead of 5

Where as IF i write

Rows("4.4").Filter is displayed in 4th row

I am testing the above formula in blank worksheet of excel 2007 version

A couple of points

I don't think it is good practice to apply an Autofilter to an entire row, I'd be more selective

What data is in Rows 4, 5 & 6?
Double-check, do you have "5.5" or "5:5"? The latter indicates rows 5 through 5, the former gets rounded up to 6. Similarly, 4.4 would get rounded down to just 4.

On my computer, running 2007, the whole thing errors out if I try to run this on a blank worksheet as there are no headers for the filter to be applied to. =/