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Unable to extract number from text (in 2007 excel)


I was trying to find the position of starting number in a text. i Was getting wrong value

Text Num Start Length Number Digits

11000 3 0










Formula to get the starting position for numbers =MIN(IFERROR(FIND(lstNumbers,A2),""))

where lstNumbers is digit range from 0 to 9
Hi Manish ,

Your formula is correct. Please check whether you have done the following :

1. Entered the formula as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER.

2. Defined a 10 cell range as lstNumbers , and filled the cells with the digits 0 through 9.

Suppose A2 has the text manish.agrawal446 , then the formula will return 15 , since the digit 4 is the 15th character.

Hi Manish ,

One good way to understand the significance of the CTRL SHIFT ENTER , is to use the Evaluate Formula facility available in Excel.

If you take the example given earlier i.e. suppose the cell A2 contains the text manish.agrawal446 ; suppose your formula :


entered as a normal formula ( not using CTRL SHIFT ENTER ) is in cell B1.

Place the cursor in B1 and click on the Evaluate Formula button and step through the complete formula.

At one stage , you will see the result as :


This 6 is actually some random number ; if you experiment and see , you will find that changing the named range lstNumbers , from one set of addresses to another , will change this from 6 to 9 , which will result in a #VALUE! output !

Now , enter the above formula , this time using CTRL SHIFT ENTER , in cell B2. Place the cursor in B2 and click on the Evaluate Formula button and step through the complete formula.

At the same stage , you will now see :


The array formula is evaluated using all the digits specified in the range lstNumbers ; the non-array formula is evaluated using only one digit. The results of these two methods of evaluation can be vastly different.
