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Types of Countif


New Member
one of my friend faced interviews recently, the interviewer ask him how many types of countif we can use ?

he replied only "one", but the interviewer said we can use countif three or for types,

what are these three of four types of countif ?

You are correct, there is only 1 form of Countif()

I assume the question was about Count(), not Countif() and he was possibly referring to Count(), Counta(), Countif() & Countifs()

The problem with this logic is that you can also count using Sum(), Sumproduct(), Subtotal() etc
If something is unclear to you then first thing to do is to clarify if you both are on the same page. As Hui has rightly pointed out there could be many approaches which will work depending on the situation.

My boss in the previous organization used to ask a specific question when you were least expecting:

"Did you do it?"

And we all would ramble like:

"Yeah, completed" or sometimes "Working on it!"

And then he used to ask us:

"Are we talking about the same "it"?"

So if in doubt, always ask.