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Two Charts,


I have two Dynamic charts that their header column and the row labels are the same. But each dynamic chart is for one different state.

I need to combine the charts. Should I combine data tables? How can I do that with showing the two different states?

State 1 Column A Column B Column C State 2 with the same data

weak Medium Strong

Category a

Category b

Category C

Category a

Category b

Category C

When you say combine the charts, do you want a chart with 2 series or a chart with one series of the two areas added together ?

Either way, add another series


Add another series with a new Named Formula

Combined_Series: =Series 1 + Series 2

I have the same elements

For example you want to see sales for some products for several months in State a, and you have sales for the same product and months for state b.

Thank you