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Trying to use a VLOOKUP as the value_if_error in an IFERROR


New Member
Excel 2010 doesn't seem to want to handle this?


In other words, If there is a value in column 4 of the lookup table, use it, otherwise use the value in column 2. Excel 2010 accepts the syntax. The result in the cell is the value in column 2 when there actually is a value in column 4.

You are missing ranges


should be like

I think you'd be better with this:


Because VLOOKUP(A125,sheet1,4,FALSE) will only fail if the Range Sheet1 is less than 4 columns wide or the value in A125 doesn't exist

If A125 doesnt exist then it wont work for Column 2 either

Also should Sheet1 include a Range like Sheet1!A1:A100 or is it a Named Range?