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traverse a column and change data based on result



Tom no

Bill no

Mike no

Joe no

Jim no

Matt no

Jerry no

If I want to search if Jerry is in Column A, then change its corresponding line to "yes".

Ex: Search Jerry, change it to yes. If I search Philip, nothing would be done.

Im running Excel 2003

Thanks in advance.
I have uploaded a file that can help


Summary of what I did:

Updated a private sub function in worksheet 1 (what ever worksheet you use - NOT module)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$D$1" Then
Call Test

End If
End Sub
and now insert a module and copy paste the below - Change the references accordingly if needed

Sub Test()
Dim a As String

a = Range("D1").Value

If a = "" Then
Exit Sub
Columns("A:A").Select 'Select the column in which you have data
Selection.Find(What:=a, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = "Yes"

End If
End Sub
You have a cell for which data validation is set as a list of your names (Tom, Mike etc)

so you change the drop down and it searches the name and fills the next cell as "Yes"
looks impressive, but way too much information I believe.

Basically i have a list of about 14000 items and I have a current list of about 4000 items. i want to "activate" the 4000 items on the list of 14000. I don't need drop down bars or the like. Thanks though for the help Swaroop.
Close, the big list is in column A, the "yes" and "no" list is in column B, and the list that i want to activate is in column C. So it needs to look at C, and see if the instance exists in A and then changes the corresponding data in B. Maybe just change it to....


Would this work if this goes in column B?

Can I make the "yes" and "no" permanent then? In other words, If I remove Column C will the changed values still hold in Column B?


B2: =IF(COUNTIF($C:$C,"="&A2)>0,"Yes","No")

If the value in A2 is in Column C put a Yes and if not put a No

When asking questions please fully explain what you want as the initial question didn't have a column C !
Thanks and yes I should have mentioned 3 columns :) This will make "yes" and "no" permanent? (i am not near the file or I would test it myself!)
having trouble with this and I don't know why....

HUI can you help?


This is the way the actual data is laid out and what I am trying to search.
I don't understand your problem?

The formula above or =IF(COUNTIF($C:$C,"="&A1)>0,"Yes","No") when pasted into B1 and copied down works perfectly.

Please explain what is wrong?
Strange. It works when I click on the cell and "copy". It doesn't work if i click on the cell and type in the formula. Wonder why that is...

Just a second thought HUI (Thanks again for your help as always). Can I make a D column to verify that the "yes" recorded correctly. I manually put alot of these item codes and want to make sure they were entered correctly.

So D column will have the logic to check if the "yes" was done on the original A<->B relationship.



Jerry no Mike true

Mike yes Patr false (because of typo)

Bill no Jim true

Pat yes

Jim yes

After completion I will know its accurate when the D column all reads true.

Thanks again.

Then, to get fancy:

=IF(COUNTIF(D:D,FALSE)=0,"All done!","Keep working")
Are you using Excel or something else ?

Is Calculation set to Automatic or Manual ?