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transpose single column into multiple rows with single copy and paste


New Member

I need to reformat (transpose) a column of values by breaking it up into multiple rows. I'd like to do this with a single copy and paste. Below is a link to an example. For example, if I have a column of values in A1-A6, I need to transpose values A1 and A2 to C1 and D1. Then i need to transpose A3 and A4 to C2 and D2, then i need to transpose A5 and A6 to C3 and D3.


If I can't do this by a single copy and paste, is there any other way by enabling some type of script that execute multiple copy and paste commands?

Many many thanks for any advice.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums


C1: =OFFSET($A$1,2*(ROW()-1),0)

D1: =OFFSET($A$1,2*(ROW())-1,0)

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