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transferring inserted rows and its data from master data sheet to other sheets


New Member
Can this be done?

I have a main data sheet with names of clients (in alphabetical order) in column A and various other data in columns B through J. I then have several other worksheets that manipulate the data in various ways. I also have a another workbook that uses the client info and then has completely different info (billing) in the other columns.

Problem: I have new client to add in the middle of the sheet. I have to insert their name in the main data page and complete the data. Then I have to insert their name in the proper place in all the other worksheets and the other workbook.

Is it even possible to have this new inserted row with the new client's name automatically be inserted in the needed sheets and even in the other workbook?

Thanks in advance your assistance!

- Bob
Hi Bob ,

Can you give more details on what you mean by "proper place" ? Does only the new client's name have to be inserted in the subordinate worksheets / workbooks , or does it have to be the client's name and associated data too ?

By proper place I was referring to in the same alphabetical order.

As for the data to be inserted, name is critical. Some other data might be transferred to the new sheet depending in the sheet and what manipulations/calculations we are needing to do with the data.

I think if name can be inserted and the formulas from above or below automatically copied into the new row (in the other columns), that will take care of things. Some formulas might be a simple reference to the data on the main sheet I want, other might be a calculation using that data. SO I think if the column A names are inserted in its new row, then the formulas from other columns copied into the row would work.
Hi Bob ,

What you are looking for can certainly be done. Since it will have to be through VBA , there are two approaches :

1. Someone in this forum develops a generic module , and you customise it to suit your requirement.

2. You give all possible details such as the number of columns to be copied , the number of worksheets to be copied to , the full name(s) of the workbook(s) .... Or even better , you upload your workbooks.

Which one is it to be ?



If I were you and coming from NARAYANK991, I wouldn't doubt about choosing the second one with upload. And just wait for the solution...

Hi. Thanks for the reply. Sorry for taking so long - I have been traveling and will be on the road again today. I was afraid this would require VBA. I don't have any experience with this.

I will have t check with the boss about uploading the docs. He's very protective/nervous about that. I'm sure its ok, but the boss is a different story. I'll get back to you later today/tonight.

Appreciate the efforts as always guys.


Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines. There you'll find suggestions about dummy data.


PS: not guys, just guy, I only made a comment.