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Tranfer to excel from website


New Member
Hi.. There is a website namely http://www.anandproperties.com/delhi/architects.php3

It has a list in the html format, but when i past this list onto excel, it comes out in a distorted manner. I need it in the same format as it is in excel. Could you please help.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Why not use the Web Link facility

In Excel

Goto the Data Tab

From Web

Paste the Link in the Address bar of the small browser

When the page loads

scroll down and find the area with the data

Put a Tick in the Box with a Yellow Arrow next to the block of data you want to capture

Click Import

Put in a destination address


This is a live link and can be updated when ever you require

Copy/Paste as text if required