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Time Division


Hi everybody,

Friends I would like to know how the time division formula used to divide time in excel. Like the time from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm diving it into 5 equal time period.

Example 06:24:02 hrs to 19:01:21 hrs is equal to 02:31:28 hrs each if divided by 5times. This is one part.

Second part after getting the result, now I want the toal time i.e. (02:31:28, which is actually from 06:24:02 to 08:55:30 time duration, 1 part) to covert into total minutes i.e. in this case = 150.07 (hope so) then divide the total minute by 12, 30, 36, 48, & 18 times to get below result:-






Similarly for remaining 4 parts of the above main time.

Will you please tell me the Excel formula for doing so.


Hi pucha ,

Can you see the file here ?


I am not able to understand your second part ; you say similarly for the remaining 4 parts ; however , all 5 parts are of the same duration , so the result for the first part will be repeated for all the other 4 parts.

Hi Narayank991,

Yes, you are right, the result for the first part will be repeated for all the other 4 parts.

Will you please give the link for "xls" file as I am using excel 2003.


Hi Narayank991,

Thankyou, I manage to convert xlsx to xls. Thankyou for the xlsx file.

Now would you please help me calculate the second part.


Hi pucha ,

I am not sure whether this is what you want ; check this file here :


Hi Narayank991,

No sir, Only the first one is correct. But the second, third, fourth & fifth are not the same as below.

you gave in your xls as given below:

12- 00:12:37

30- 00:05:03

36- 00:04:12

48- 00:03:09

18- 00:08:25

But it will be as below:

12- 00:12:37

30- 00:31:33

36- 00:37:52

48- 00:50:29

18- 00:18:56

I think it is 12, 30, 36, 48 & 18 times the total time period(02:31:28)


Hi pucha ,

I am not able to understand ; the formula for the first one ( 12 ) is :


where B2 is the END time , B1 is the START time , and D4 contains 12 , which is the number of parts.

When the number of parts is 30 , how do you get 00:31:33 ? Can you please explain ?

What I did was put in the following formula in E5 : =D5*E$4/D$4. Copy this across.

Hi Narayank991,

Thank for so far.

Let me tell you what I want to do. I want to divide the duration of sunrise to sunset & from sunset to next day sunrise into five equal parts i,e, total 10 parts.

Today's sunrise & sunset are:

sunrise time - 06:21:35

sunset time - 17:09:08

sunset time - 17:09:08

next day sunrise time - 06:22:03



Now sunrise time - 06:21:35 to sunset time - 17:09:08 (divide into 5 parts)

First part-06:21:35--08:31:06---02:09:31(difference of time)

Next part-08:31:06--10:40:36---02:09:31(difference of time)

Next part-10:40:36--12:50:07---02:09:31(difference of time)

Next part-12:50:07--14:59:37---02:09:31(difference of time)

Next part-14:59:37--17:09:08---02:09:31(difference of time)


In first part I want to divide the time period i.e (06:21:35-08:31:06) into again 5 parts with different minutes (12, 30, 36, 48, & 18)mts. Like to get the result below:

start-(minutes/sec added)-

06:21:35--00:10:48--06:32:23---------1 (formula)












like this 3 more parts.......upto 17:09:08 sunset.


(formula)- to get the minute/sec added is as follow-

(difference of time)=02:09:31

adding the minutes =12+30+36+48+18=144 mts

=(02:09:31)/144 x 12 (first minute)= 00:10:48-------

Now adding the sunrise time 06:21:35 + 00:10:48 = 06:32:23---------1 (formula)

Like this all are calculate upto 17:09:08 sunset in 5 parts

Similarly from 17:09:08 sunset to next day sunrise 06:22:03, The process is same. But this time the minutes will be (30+24+30+24+36=144). So to get the next day sunrise time 06:22:03 from 17:09:08 sunset time I have to divide the time into 5 equal parts and further each parts will also be divided into sub parts with respect to the minutes (30+24+30+24+36=144) as above.

The problem is I am getting the sunrise to sunset time correctly but from sunset to next day sunrise time is not correct as per above process. i.e. the time 06:22:03.

May be I think it is due to next day Excel calculation or something else, out of my mind.

Please guide


Hi pucha ,

I just went through your detailed explanation ; please give me some time to upload a revised workbook.

Hi Narayank991,

One more question.

As the above problem has been solved by you, I want to now if you can help me to highlight the row with the system time. As whenever the excel file opens it will color/highlight the row as per the system time. i.e.- if the system time is 06:40:25 then it will highlight the second row (row2) in below sample.







Hi Narayank991,

Thank you once again. The excel file is working perfectly. Brilliant.

"Sorry to reply late. I went for a vacation as my daughter's exam was over."


Hi Narayank991,

Thank you for the above excel file "Time-Division.xls", which I was using regularly, but unfortunately last week I had a difficulty with my hard disk, It crashed and had to replace with a new one. I missed all my files their.

Will you please help me to send the excel file once again if you had, otherwise I had to make it from the beginning.

With Regards
Hi ,

I am sorry , but I don't seem to have the file with me. I would have it on a second PC that I have , but that went on the blink about a month back , and I have not yet got down to sending it for repair. If I could get that PC back in working order , I might be able to send you the file.

I am sure that if you can upload your workbook with the data in it , the formulae can be redone.

Thanks Narayank991,

I am trying to load a workbook with data as the original has gone with my crashed hard disk.

Hi ,

I remembered that I had saved my files to an external hard disk !

See if these are the files.



  • Time_Division.xls
    75.5 KB · Views: 9
  • Time_Division.xlsx
    13.4 KB · Views: 8
Yes, Thank you. Thank you once again for keeping those files.

But as those files were created by you somewhere in dec 9, 2012. Later I had modified it as per my use. Now the modified file is no longer with me.

Will you please check the file I am uploading for your reference and the output I want from it.



  • Time_Division_to be modified.xls
    66 KB · Views: 7