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Time Card calculations with excel [SOLVED]


New Member
Hi, I am trying to use an excel spreadsheet from another department in the hospital I work at. The problem is I do not understand the formula that they have used.In my department we work in 8 hour shifts they work in 12. I need to format the sheet to calculate 10% and 15 % differentials. I do not know how to post a copy of the spreadsheet here. can someone help please?

Thanks in advance, Chuck
I have tried to copy the spreadsheet here however I cant seem to to post it. If someone could advise how to copy a file here for others to view I would be appreciate it.


Firstly Welcome to Chandoo.org forum, glad you are here

please have a look in 3 Green Sticky Key of forum header there you will get how to post a sample workbook, introduce your self and more about the Forum

to upload a sample workbook please click the link : - http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook

forum rueles: - http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/phd-forum-posting-rules-etiquette-pls-read-before-posting

Hope you understand and please upload your file


Thanks for the quick reply sgmpatnaik. I have read the information you posted and I have uploaded the file in drop box (I think).
Yes it is better to upload a sample who will try to solve your problem they can easily understand the problem
Hi Chuck ,

Once you upload your file to any file-sharing website ( RapidShare , SpeedyShare , DropBox ,... ) , you need to give others permission to access and download the file , and you need to post the link that you get , here in this same topic.

Unless this forum members can see the access link , there is no way that anyone can search for your file and download it.

Thanks to everyone that has tried to help. I am sorry i was up till 5:30 this morning trying to figure this out. I have 5 hrs sleep and ready to try again. I have never used file sharing so I am lost again. If i understand dropbox correctly I need the email address to allow you access to see the file. I don't know where to get your address. Or do i use Chandoo.org?
Hi, ChuckVaughan!

Regarding DropBox, if you still don't have an account in DropBox you can download the installer from here:


Then you execute it and it'll add a new entry in your Windows Explorer contextual menu (when clicked with the alternative mouse button, usually the right one) for the DropBox Public folder.

Once you have it installed you should follow this procedure to share a file with everyone:

a) From the Windows Explorer locate the file you want to share

b) Copy it with Ctrl-C

c) Go to the DropBox Public folder

d) Paste it with Ctrl-V

e) Right click on it

f) Click on the entry Copy Public Link

g) Come here and paste the link with Ctr-V

Please note that a file uploaded to DropBox Public folder is available to anyone who has the link and therefore's no need of granting access rights, as it happens with other DropBox folders which might be shared with specific people or other services as GoogleDocs.

Instead of copying the files you as well move it (cutting it with Ctr-X instead of copying with Ctrl-C) but I think that it's a good practice to upload a file, which it serves you as a backup too, and keep on working with the original. It's up to you to choose the method.

Just advise if any issue.

Sir JB7 thanks for your instructions. I can't believe that i am having so much trouble doing something that i am sure is simple.

Yes I have the dropbox account and I have added the file to the drop box folder. At the top there is a tab for share with I chose share with everyone. I cant find public folder anyplace. Was that all i needed to do? I am about to give up on this, i know it has to be a pain trying to help someone that is so lost.

Thanks for trying to help, I really appreciate it very much.
Hi, ChuckVaughan!

You're looking at your DropBox account and folders from the internet (i.e., from a web broser, like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome), aren't you?

You should start the Windows File Explorer (Start button, All Programs, Accesories, Windows Explorer), and then there navigate thru folders until you get to the DropBox folder, from which Public is a subfolder: DrobBox folder is by default placed in C:Users<yourname>DropBox.

Hope it helps.

Sir JB7,

I first clicked on the start button, then moved through all programs, found dropbox, when i rt clicked on it the menu has a option of share with but i do not see a sub folder that is named Public. When i open the share with- i have an option of share with specific people, when i choose that it has everyone so that is what i clicked on. It is shown as a share file. it is shown C: userscharles vaughandropox and below that is the file name timesheet tracking. I am lost for words.
Hi, ChuckVaughan!

Ok, another way to end in the same place. If you did so you'd see something like this:


Double click in the Public folder of the big right pane to open it and place there the file you want to share. Once done that you'd use the right click method on it to get the DropBox Public Link to that file. Then come back here and paste it with Ctrl-V.

I hope this is what you wanted. I am so carefull i don't want to post anything unwanted. if so please delete the note.


Again thanks so much for your assistance.

Hi, ChuckVaughan!

I'm afraid that we still have a problem. That's a link to DropBox, not to a file. Tried to follow my previous guidelines? If you could open the image file that I uploaded, double click on the Public folder, then you'd see the file list, and then right click on the desired file and there you'll get the "Copy Public Link".

Hello SirJB7,

I am so sorry for wasting so much of your time. This appears to be way to complicated for me to understand. I looked at your post and it doesn't look like mine, there is no public folder in my drop box. I think i need to just forget about trying to do this. I do thank you for your time and so sorry to being such a dead head in trying to understand this.

Have a great weekend and thanks again
Hi, ChuckVaughan!

Last attempt:

a) Minimize every window.

b) Start, All Programs, DropBox, Dropbox

c) Double click on the Public folder at the right pane

d) Start, All Programs, Accesories, Windows Explorer

e) Go to the folder which contains the file to be uploaded (until it appears in the right pane)

f) Adjust both windows to be visible

g) Drag the selected file from the 2nd (file folder) and drop it into the 1st (DropBox Public), while pressing Ctrl key (this will copy instead of moving if they're in the same drive

h) Close the 2nd window (file folder)

i) Go to 1st windows (DropBox Public)

j) Right button on the copied file and select entry "Copy Public Link"

k) Close 1st window

l) Come here and paste copied link with Ctrl-V

Otherwise please post an email address and I'll get back to you. Then I'll edit this to remove that address.

SirJB7, you are such an ace god love ya.

You are so determined to help. You don't know how great this makes me feel. I click on start, see all programs, click that i see Dropbox, I click on Dropbox and there lies the problem, I do not see a public folder anyplace, there is a large pane to the right where you can click on and view the file. Do I have to create a folder and name it public? maybe i m thinking it should be there but maybe i have to create it.

My email address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Hi Chuck ,

I think things have been made more complicated than necessary !

1. Open your browser , and enter the address www.dropbox.com , and let the site load.

2. In the upper right corner , you should see a SIGN IN option. Click on it , enter your email address and password , to sign in.

3. When the site loads , you should see a screen listing all your files which you have uploaded ; above this , you should see several icons , one of which will have an upward arrow , signifying UPLOAD. Click on this.

4. A popup box displays UPLOAD TO DROPBOX , and below that a button which says CHOOSE FILES. Click on this button , and choose the file(s) you wish to upload.

5. When the Upload is completed , you should see the button DONE. Click on this.

6. The screen which was displayed in step 3 above , will re-appear , and you should see the newly uploaded file there. Since the files are displayed in alphabetical order ( unless you have chosen another sort order ) , you may have to scroll down to see your file.

7. Against each file's entry , the right-most column shows the sign of a link ; when you see your file , click on the link symbol against your file. A new window will pop up with the name of your file , and two buttons labelled SEND and GET LINK. Click on GET LINK ; the link will be copied to your clipboard.

8. Now , you can use CTRL V to paste the link.

9. In case you do not wish to go through this procedure , you can email me the file at :

narayank1026 [at] gmail [dot] com.

I follow all the way to step 7 , when i click on the little chain link it gives me the option of Share link or download i clicked on download i dont think it worked. I will email you Narayan. thanks so much
Hi Chuck ,

If only you had waited a few seconds more !

The SHARE LINK and DOWNLOAD buttons appear first ; the SEND and GET LINK buttons will appear a little later.

Hi, ChuckVaughan!

Give a look at this file:


I added two parameters in M1 and M2, the two steps for which I understood you have differential calculations (Reg, 10%, 15%).

Then the formulas for columns H:J are like this:

M4: =MIN(G4;$M$1) -----> in english: =MIN(G4,$M$1)

I4: =MIN(G4-H4;$M$2-$M$1) -----> in english: =MIN(G4-H4,$M$2-$M$1)

J4: =MAX(G4-H4-I4;0) -----> in english: =MAX(G4-H4-I4,0)

Just advise if any issue. Sent by mail too.



PS: But even if that appears to work, the original and the fixed calculations don't follow the indications in red in columns L:N. What should be done with that?

The notes in red was a reminder to me that when the totals were done that we capture the correct % of additional pay the employee should receive.

We work three shifts. I work swing shift we get paid a 10% premium for working that shift, however the last half hour of the shift we receive 15% premium because that classifies for grave shift hours. The same is true for the people that work grave shift they would receive 15% premium up until the last half hour of their shift that half hour is regular pay - no premium. We are on a 24 hour clock 100 minutes. Some employees work some days on swing some on grave these time sheets are hard to figure out. If possible I would like for excel to take the punch in time and do the calculations for me. It would be awesome if we could just enter the 24hr times such as 14.90 in time with a lunch break of 18.90 return at 19.37 and out at 23.50 without having to enter the :. I don't mean to drag this on. thanks so much for what you have done for me.
Hi, ChuckVaughan!

Ok, I think that I now understood the whole issue. Let us do this:

a) You keep the actual version of the file for the time being

b) I'd now proceed as we arranged by mail

c) Give me a little of time and I'll try to provide you another approach to swap calculations from the actual (<=8, 8-12, >12) to reflect the red indications (yes, military time included)

d) Another question, any difference between Mon-Fri and Sat-Sun?

Please confirm if this is suitable for you.
