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The average of the highest 10%, 50% and 80% of given values ?


New Member
Hello All,

mea culpa if the questions seems to be banal for most of you.

I have just started exploring Excel formulas.

= Average( ..... then which formula)

Thank you.
If you have a few number



or a Range of Numbers


or a combination


Change range to suit
Ok, that is a bit tricky, but doable. Here is how you can go about it:

=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A10>PERCENTILE(A1:A10,0.9))*(A1:A10)) / SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A10>PERCENTILE(A1:A10,0.9)))

Replace 0.9 with 0.5 or 0.2 as needed for other 2 values.

Also see this for some more ideas: http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/06/04/average-of-top-5-values/
It is even trickier than that, as it depends on the distribution of the data

If it is a flat distribution ie: every number has the same chance of occurring you can use

the 80% is =MIN(A1:A10)+0.8*(MAX(A1:A10)-MIN(A1:A10))

and so the average of points above this will be

[code]=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A10>(MIN(A1:A10)+0.8*(MAX(A1:A10)-MIN(A1:A10))))*(A1:A10)) / SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A10>(MIN(A1:A10)+0.8*(MAX(A1:A10)-MIN(A1:A10)))))

If the data is normally distributed use:


and the average above this will be

=SUMPRODUCT((A2:A11>(NORMINV(0.8,AVERAGE(A1:A10),STDEV(A1:A10))))*(A2:A11)) / SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A11>(NORMINV(0.8,AVERAGE(A1:A10),STDEV(A1:A10)))))[/code]

Change the 0.8 in both cases to suit
@Hui... Why do we need to worry about distributions of values? Cant we use percentile(), can you point what would go wrong with my approach?
Nothing is wrong with percentile if the data is evenly distributed,

ie: every outcome/measure has the same chance of occuring, like rolling a dice.

If the data isn't evenly distributed but has a differnet distribution you need to allow for that.