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Text to Columns - Setting drops off when opening a saved version


New Member
Evening All,

Seeking some guidence from the gurus here. I have a spreadsheet which I have created with multiple tabs to place multiple sets of raw data. When I created the spreadsheet, Column A on all tabs was set using the [Text to Columns - Delimiter - Comma and "] but what I am finding is when I reopen the spreadsheet I created as a template, it has dropped the Text to Columns settings I set before saving it and I am having to set the settings each time I open a copy.

This is done via a work system which is running Excel 2016 and macros are not an option as they are turned off in the system.

Is there any possible way to "lock" the setting in place so it sticks when a new version is opened?

Much appreciate the assistance from anyone who takes the time to read :)
The text to columns settings are reset when Excel starts, and you cannot prevent that. It sounds like you should perhaps be using something like Power Query to import and parse the data rather than your current approach.
The text to columns settings are reset when Excel starts, and you cannot prevent that. It sounds like you should perhaps be using something like Power Query to import and parse the data rather than your current approach.
Thanks for the response. thats a bugger, guess it will need to be done manually each time as there a alot of restrictions in place, including the use of Power Query. Thanks again :)
You need to have a word with someone about your IT department crippling the functionality of tools the company has paid a lot of money for, and blocking productivity! ;)