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Tenure Formula -- years months days


New Member
Hi Friends,

Here i have a concern in Tenure formula.

The concern is when i am filter the tenure formula it is not showing in ascending order while filter is apply find the attachment.

=DATEDIF(C7,D7,"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(C7,D7,"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(C7,D7,"md")&" days"

can you please help or else is there any alternate for this..



  • Tenure Formula\'s.xlsx
    40.3 KB · Views: 5
Hi Rupesh,

According to my observation the list can be sorted for the Column E, the year appears to be the difference of the one that you select from the list and the current year.
Hi Faseeh,

When i am sorting the Column E, even it is not showing as per the ascending/Descending order.

please could you help me. other then is there any alternate..

Hi Rupesh,

Sorting on column E may not give you desire result with this type of text, for example copy this in any cell say:

6 years 10 months 3 days

6 years 9 months 20 days

Do a simple test =H2>H3
you will see the result = FALSE

I am not sure why you are sorting text values, where as you can apply filter "Sort Oldest to Newest" on column C:

Sort dates.PNG
