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Syntax error in reply form (tags textbox)?


Excel Rōnin
Hi, all!

Did anyone see that the label title of the tags textbox says "Tags (comma seperated)"? I guess it's always been there, in front our eyes, ...

I apologize in advance for my non-native English if it's correct, but shouldn't it be "separated"?



Just started this topic, then added "Reply" tab, and when trying to add "Syntax error at forums" tag, got this error:


Despite of it, the new tag was in fact added.

Good Evening Old Friend

You are correct it is separated.


Late Middle English: from Latin separat- 'disjoined, divided', from the verb separare, from se- 'apart' + parare 'prepare'
Hí, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

Good evening, old friendly dog. I hope you're breathing fresh and new airs.

About "separated" I knew it was correct, what I didn't know was if "seperated" was a kind of idiomatic usage which I haven't ever read. That's why I didn't dare to omit my apologize, just in case.

Thanks for the origin, I see and confirm that you're strong not only at health, humor and numbers but as words too :)

Hello my friend

I think the problem is with the way people split up words in to the syllables and accentuate the vowels, If you listen to some one from North America they tend to be very specific in the way they pronounce their words and have very clear and distinct vowel usage, whereas someone from the Indian subcontinent tends to speaker at a slightly faster rate of words per minute and with a slight “sing” to the way they pronounce their words and they tend to have shorter gaps in their sentence structure.
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