I have a budget, with consultants’ names, wether or not they are inhouse (yes/no), then 12 columns for time spend in every month. In a Data sheet (with among other information) their hourly rate, which varies per month. I need to calculate in sheet 1, as a total “below” the sum of hours per month, the cost of the External consultants and the cost of my inhouse consultants as seperate subtotals. So far I have :{=SUM(IF($H$52:$H$74=”no”,L$52:L$74*(VLOOKUP($E87:$E108,’Data Sheet’!$B$3:$R$36,HLOOKUP(‘Data Sheet’!G$1,’Consult Check’!L$1:W$1,1,0)-39,0))))}; column H defines Inhouse Yes/No; column L = month 1′s hours; column E = Consultant’s name; Data sheet row 1 is a number of the month as this is an ongoing budget for more than one year, matching it with the number in my current sheet, to ‘extract’ the correct month’s hourly cost. Unfortunately, the formula uses the first consultant’s cost and not the specific consultant’s cost. Other than “manually” selecting each consultant’s hours and the corresponding rate, what formula can I use? To add: there are several projects and several consultants working on them, some off course on more than one project per month. As the ‘sales manager/director’ have to complete this section, I want to ‘bullet proof’ the formulas so that in case of any changes made, different consultant selected than ‘version 1′, I do not have to ‘redo’ the specific formulas to ensure the costing is correct. I would also prefer not to have to add an additional sheet to do these calculations on.