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Sumproduct - when used on different pages in a workbook


New Member
I recently became an electrician and am trying to build myself a stock management system in excel.

I have it 99% complete, but am struggling with one little part.

I have been using a Sumproduct query to summarise information in one spreadsheet called Materials


The formulae calculates the cost of the materials used in job "P10001" - It works prefectly.

Final step I want to use the formulae on a different sheet called "Summary" within the same workbook but cannot crack where to put the Materials! reference and just get error messages.

e.g. =Materials!(Sumproduct(--($k$5:$k$1001="P10001"),--$F$2:$F$1001))



Can anyone provide me with the correct formulae please?

Many Thanks & Regards
