wat i want is to get the sum of all the values coresponding to column D if each value under column C lies in the range between two columns A and B . meeans in the range 105.67 to 110 values in coulmn C are 106,107 ,108 so the result should be against this would be sum of 100+20+40 similarly in the range 100.34 to 105 .4 the result would be 45 +15
Thanks Guys
Please reply
I,ver tried with sumifs and sumproduct but the result it gives the highest no ....
90 95.2 76.34 23 0
95.23 100.33 102 45 0
100.34 105.4 103.4 15 =45+15
105.67. 110 106 100 =100+20+40
107 20
108 40
wat i want is to get the sum of all the values coresponding to column D if each value under column C lies in the range between two columns A and B . meeans in the range 105.67 to 110 values in coulmn C are 106,107 ,108 so the result should be against this would be sum of 100+20+40 similarly in the range 100.34 to 105 .4 the result would be 45 +15
Thanks Guys
Please reply
I,ver tried with sumifs and sumproduct but the result it gives the highest no ....