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Sumproduct Question


New Member
Hi All,

A small sumproduct question.

Can sumproduct be used to look up text data?

I have a fictitious data with names in column A, subject 1, subject 2 etc in column B onwards and Grades in column H.( Grades are A, B etc.)

Using sumproduct I can find the marks obtained by a person in any subject. ( Marks are numbers ).

When I use the same logic to find grade, I get #Value! error.

I dont seem to find the reason for this when I do a google search.

Any thoughts?



gives correct answer for the number of marks.


gives an error.



Sorry it is little bit confuse to me can you give some more details about your columns

1. ColumnA2:A35 = Subjects

2. Columnb1:g1 = Student Names

3. ColumnH:H = Grade

is This Correct


Hi Jai9 & sgmpatnaik,

You are getting Value Error because Col H is text, it can not be summed using SUMPRODUCT(). You can simply use:


to find the grade of student in A20, Col H contains the Grade.

Hi Faseeh,

You mean to say since the grades are texts, they cant be added using sumproduct and I am getting #Value! error.

So sumproduct works only for numbers.


Yes Jai9,

You can validate criteria that are text using "=" sign just like you did for name and Subject, but for adding up something, it need to be a number. When you validate a Text this way, it returns a series of True & False, when this series of True/False is multiplied with Number, False returns zeros and true give corresponding values, thus SUMPRODUCT sums these zeros and non-zeros, but with text, you can not actually perform multiplication of True/False with Text that give you a value error.

Hope that helps,
