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Summation of selected cells


Hi experts,
I have on excel sheet which contains feedback data of around 400 customers. Questionnaire of 50 objective questions was distributed to customers. For each question 5 objective answers were there. Based on answer following excel sheet created:

    Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 upto Q-50 Score
1    1  3  4        2  100
2    1  1  2        2    80

Now I want to do analysis on this data. For that I have calculated score of each customer (sum of answers).
Now I am taking top 50 and bottom 50 customer based on score.
I did it by sorting data in descending order of score.

now I need to perform following calculation:

      Total customers who    Total customers who
      gave answer 1 or 2      gave answer 4 or 5
Q-1    20                        30

I want a formula which can be copied for all questions and without editing formula for every question I can calculate total.
Turn your data into a table or a pivot table, then you can filter and sum as you wish
Sorry would not attach in the above post for some unknown reason.


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