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Sumif with time HH:MM - not working right


New Member
I am using sumif all the time with pounds - I have to use with time but the results aren't right...

its timesheets time:

Sheet 1

[Column A] multiple duplicate staff names (format text)

[Column B] Start time (format hh:mm)

[Column C] End time (format hh:mm)

[Column D] =C-B for total hours worked (format hh:mm)

Sheet 2

[Column A] names from sheet one without duplicate (format text)

[Column B] =SUMIF('Sheet1'!A:A, 'Sheet2'!A1, Sheet1!D:D) (format hh:mm)

If I manually sum the first name, total is 45.30, my sumif gives me 21.59.

I have checked and tried a number of things but to no avail, does anyone understand what is going wrong?

Many thanks in advance.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Have you tried formatting the result cell as [h]:mm ?

If that doesn't help can you post a sample file, Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook

Let us assume the data the below format

starting from A1 in sheet1

Col A Col B Col C Cal D

name Start Time Stop Time Time Taken

Kumar 13:53 15:32 01:39

Kumar 15:32 17:54 02:21

Kumar 11:41 15:29 03:47

Kumar 15:29 16:57 01:27

Kumar 16:57 18:06 01:08

Raja 11:47 12:07 00:20

Raja 12:08 14:59 02:50

Raja 14:59 17:54 02:54

Raja 17:54 18:35 00:40

Raja 11:02 16:03 05:00

Raja 16:03 16:51 00:47

Suresh 16:51 17:14 00:22

Suresh 17:15 18:26 01:10

Suresh 18:49 19:01 00:11

Suresh 10:57 14:48 03:51

Suresh 14:48 17:57 03:09

Suresh 11:29 14:32 03:02

Suresh 14:39 17:01 02:22

Suresh 17:27 18:45 01:18

In sheet2 you want the sum of unique names like:

Col A Col B

name Total Time

Kumar 10:25

Raja 12:34

Suresh 15:28

In sheet2 select range "B2" and apply the following formula



Suresh Kumar S
Hi Suresh Kumar,

You sumif formula is giving correct result have. see this file:


@ Hoshino,

I guess, Your Problem is not with SumIf (as it giving you result 21.59) or Format Text (as actual total is 45.30 less is less than 60.00) .. Your problem is in A:A..

Please create a additional column, lets say E where use formula

Now try to use SumIf as

=SUMIF('Sheet1'!E:E, 'Sheet2'!A1, Sheet1!D:D)

Otherwise, hope you have already guessed where I want to give you a look.

Search for the word looks like 'Sheet2'!A1 and with a value (45.30-21.59).. :)

@ Faseeh,

Eid Mubaraak..

Problem is not with Suresh.. :)


Dear All

Thank you for the welcome and for the three kind suggestions.

I went through in order, and luckily [h]:mm did it (Big respects to Hui-san - can't be helped guys - he is the ninja!)

I've seen this before but completely forgotten about it - its for when times go over 24 hours right - excel will go back to 0 when going over 24 hours with hh:mm - with [h]:mm it keeps on adding.... (sound right?)

Thank you all for your Excel passion regardless.

Ah what a wieght off my shoulders thank you!