AVERAGEIF would no work as the quantities of the measurements I need averaged are listed in a separate column. Listing each measurement would add too much the the spreadsheet as well. What im looking for is a formula that will separate data in a particular range depending on the criteria, as with SUMIF, but instead of listing the sum range I want to be able to insert a formula.
Example: SUMIF(B:B,"Age 8",SUM((C:C)*(D:D))
Column C is the quantity of a particular age that are the same height
Column D is the Height of the Children Age 8 with various heights
Column B is the age of the children ranging in various ages
I need a formula that will; sum only a particular text in B:B with the formula C:C * D:D or what ever formula i need that would be associated with the text in B:B
Agree with what Colin said. Fastest/cheapest way is to use a helper column. SUMPRODUCT can do the job, but I wouldn't do a whole bunch especially if you need to reference an entire column.