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Sumif problem


New Member
I want to us the sumif as normal but I need the sum_range portion to have a formula incorporated with it.

Example: SUMIF(range,criteria,Average(sum_range)



Is this possible in another function?
Good day beroth

Can you not use AVERAGEIF or AVERAGEIFS they work with criteria without the need of the SUMIF
AVERAGEIF would no work as the quantities of the measurements I need averaged are listed in a separate column. Listing each measurement would add too much the the spreadsheet as well. What im looking for is a formula that will separate data in a particular range depending on the criteria, as with SUMIF, but instead of listing the sum range I want to be able to insert a formula.

Example: SUMIF(B:B,"Age 8",SUM((C:C)*(D:D))

Column C is the quantity of a particular age that are the same height

Column D is the Height of the Children Age 8 with various heights

Column B is the age of the children ranging in various ages

I need a formula that will; sum only a particular text in B:B with the formula C:C * D:D or what ever formula i need that would be associated with the text in B:B

Thank You
The option I would choose:

In a spare column, eg cell E2, put the formula


and then fill down the column. Then you can use

[code]=SUMIF(B:B,"Age 8",E:E)

Alternatively you can use SUMPRODUCT:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(B2:B100="Age 8"),C2:C100,D2:D100)[/code]

But the SUMPRODUCT formula is more complicated and expensive in terms of calculation time.
Agree with what Colin said. Fastest/cheapest way is to use a helper column. SUMPRODUCT can do the job, but I wouldn't do a whole bunch especially if you need to reference an entire column.